Biking In The Holcombe Area
For those who like easy riding...
The river valleys offer many scenic and fairly flat, easy miles of routes. Most days you will not see a vehicle on the roads and the ones you do are very accommodating. The Old Abe bike trail is also in the area which is a 19.5 mile stretch of paved railroad bed, making for an even easier and family friendly experience.
For those who like a challenge...
The Driftless area makes for some extremely challenging climbs. There are two different and distinct hilly areas near Holcombe, the Ice Age Trail area and the Blue Hills area. If you are looking for a truly challenging road coarse, you can find one here. The Driftless area to the south offers winding hills that will test your descending skills on the way down as well as test your mental stamina. It hurts when you think the hill will be over just around the corner and then when you reach it, it kicks up even steeper. By contrast the Blue Hills offer longer, generally straight climbs with a steady incline. This makes for some seriously grinding climbs with beautiful views on the descent.
Chippewa County offers snowmobile enthusiasts nearly 500 miles of snowmobile trails to ride. The variety of landscape the trails cover is what makes them so fun and exciting. While riding our trails check out the glacial formations, rolling hills, and the beautiful wooded forests. This trail system travels through Chippewa County and connects with many other county trails with the opportunity to travel by snowmobile statewide. The Chippewa Valley Snowmobile Organization maintain and groom the trail system and keep the trails in excellent riding condition during the snowmobile season. For more information on trails and season dates click HERE.
ATV Riding
Enjoy over 15 miles of ATV trail through the Chippewa County Forest with hills, valleys and challenging terrain, which were created by the action of glaciers many thousands of years ago. The Chippewa County ATV Trail is normally open to ATV riding from May 1st to November 15th of each year. Be cautious, as you never know what's around the next corner, or over the next hill, on this two-way trail! For more information on trails and dates/times, you may click HERE.